Tuesday 25 October 2011

Enemy Of The State - The Art Of Editing.

Questions asked to answer, about the above clip:

1. What is the point of this sequence? Describe briefly how tension is created through the editing.
2. Look at the use of CU or Medium CU. Why are they primarily used here? Refer to specific shots (screengrab them) and embed them within your post.
3. Choose 15-20 seconds from anywhere in the sequence and describe each shot in detail, explaining its effect / function for the audience, as well as commenting on how the cuts (the editing) add to the meaning.
4. How far does the editing of this sequence fit in with the genre of the thriller? Justify your opinion.

1.The mid angle shot used at the beginning which centers the two men and informs us that the main point is the conversation between these two men, also the camera is directed at the man with darker hair and the flask in his hand, showing us he is the important one in this particular shot. 

At 0:18 seconds the frame switches to the man with darker hair emphasizing his expression, then the frame switches from person to person then to a mid angle shot showing boh men conversing.

At 0:31 seconds the  shot is a mid close-up showing that Will Smith indicating that he is the one watching the television. 

At 0:48 seconds the frame suddenly switched to Will Smith's conversation with a man which emphasizes on the importance of their conversation. From 0:48 seconds to 1:02 stars of with a tracking shot evolving around them then switched to a over the head match on action which show importance their argument, and makes us more aware. 

In various parts of the clip a sudden close up is shown to show the character speaking like in the screenshot above. This is an important conversation about confidential business carried out about Will Smith's personal life.

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